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Health & WellnessTech


24/7 Urgent Medical Triage and Care
Investment type:
Target raise:
 - $250,000
Minimum investment:​
End date:
Dec 03, 2020

  • Emergency Medical Care
  • Urgent Medical Care
  • Routine Medical Care
Our Story

UrgentEMS is focused on near real time medical triage for Emergent, Urgent, and Chronically ill patients on demand 24/7 over a common telemedicine hybrid network.  Our network will provide the triage over a telemedicine consult then facilitate access to the appropriate level of resources through EMS partners, NPs, PAs, MDs, clinical partners and hospitals partners as we build this common daily use telemedicine network.
Our Ambition

Our vision is to become a key player in streamlined access to care for the uninsured, under-insured, and for active-chronically ill. We aim to make time, money, and care more efficient so individuals can ultimately live their lives to the fullest. Our business model is designed to grow from a local to a national, and then international foot-print. We do not seek to be everything to everybody, our target market is patients who are seeking to become active participants in their care.