Arts & CraftsMain Street
People of Color
Earth Essentials RVA LLC
Diego: "This funding helps artisans have enough minerals for products for 5 museum gift shops."
Investment type:
Target raise:
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End date:
Aug 05, 2023
Aug 05, 2023
Myself and Lisa are on a mission. In a world where globalization is shifting and changing and natural resources dwindle it became clear that the way the crystal and rock community sources precious minerals and other natural resources should change as well. More and more individuals are concerned with the sustainability behind the sourcing of the stones they use to decorate their homes & offices, their bodies and pieces they may use as part of a healing practice. One cannot use a tool for healing that has been taken out of the ground through brutal methods. In Uruguay there is an honoring to the process, there are strict rules on the use of chemicals and timing of heavy machinery. Many believe they have the most beautiful amethysts in the world. The area is so special that many large corporations are trying to invest in land ownership. Minerals are being purchased and taken oversees and the sold to the US, artisans no longer have the work finishing jewelry and stone pieces they once did.
Earth Essentials, aka "La Amatistas ", mission is to honor the mines and artisans within Uruguay, by bringing their work directly to the US. Shortening the global importation footprint, ensuring continued work for the artisans and mine employees and strengthening the US market by providing stores, museums, businesses and individuals with the best product guaranteed to have come through the best sustainable and direct channels as facilitated by La Amatista.
Check us out on Instagram! @the_amatista