

Anonymous car shopping - making car shopping easy & reducing discrimination!
Investment type:
(Convertible Note)
Target raise:
 - $250,000
Minimum investment:​
End date:
Sep 11, 2021

  • Zero to paying customer ($1k MRR) in <90 days, 5 more in trials. Only about 17k more to go!
  • CarLocity’s anonymous platform prevents discrimination in the car purchasing process.
  • Car Buyers prefer CarLocity’s experience by 47% over car shopping websites!
Our Story

CarLocity provides a service that allows car buyers to shop anonymously for their next car or truck purchase. CarLocity Buyers input information about the vehicle they want to purchase, generating a Deal Request. CarLocity removes identifying information and sends the Deal Request to appropriate Dealers, who send back a written offer including vehicle information, photos, and transparent pricing that shows vehicle price, dealer add-ons (if any), taxes/fees, and total "out-the-door" pricing.
Our Ambition

CarLocity will be the premiere dealership-based sales model being used in the market, providing incredible value to both buyers and dealerships! With ~17k franchised (new) car dealers (another 35k used) and over 37 million purchase transactions at dealers every year, the opportunity is enormous. These projections cannot be guaranteed, but we project the following revenue lines post-investment: Y1 - $550k Y2 - $2.6M Y3 - $12M Y4 - $60M Y5 - $100M+