Main StreetTech
The social network for community organizing and activism!
Investment type:
Target raise:
- $1,070,000
Minimum investment:
End date:
Dec 10, 2022
Dec 10, 2022
- ?? Hundreds of organizers, activists, volunteers, and candidates on the waitlist
- ???????? The first and only platform for community organizers and activists
- ?? A team that has build multiple multi-million dollar companies
- ?? Over $15B TAM, $4M ARR within 5 years
Our Story
A social networking platform for progressive organizers and activists.
Our Ambition
For our mission: We want to give progressive organizers a base from which to build real power. We want to give people a place to be their activist self. We want to connect every organizer and activist with each other. In terms of our business: We think we can the place where a majority of progressive organizing and fundraising happens. We want to be processing over $10B in donations.