Tropical Harvest Slushies and Juices on Kiva
Food & Bev
Black-ownedPeople of ColorWomen

Tropical Harvest Slushies and Juices

Kishana: "This funding helps ensure plant-based beverages are nutrient-rich and safe."
Investment type:
Target raise:
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End date:
Aug 03, 2022
Tropical Harvest Slushies and Juices manufacture authentic, tropical, and natural ingredient beverages. We are a family-owned enterprise using fruits and vegetables inspired by our roots to create some exotic blends of beverages that also have varying health and nutritional benefits. We operate online and locally in-store, however, we are seeking to expand our wholesale reach by enhancing our shelf life to make us more marketable online and in big box stores. My children were requesting beverages they experienced on their native Island while they were in the US, and in a bid to satisfy the craving, friends and family started requesting, and eventually the whole community. Upon closer observation, we realized there was a market gap, and post Covid-19 there is also greater awareness of natural ingredients, less sugar, and tropical flavors, and also the importance of consuming healthier alternatives.