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Traq365 Corporation

Conversation Intelligence for unrivaled sales, revenue forecasts, & training clarity
Deerfield Beach, 
Investment type:
Target raise:
 - $1,070,000
Minimum investment:​
End date:
Jan 18, 2022

  • Gain unparalleled visibility into deals and win more business with AI & call analysis.
  • Traq365 converts sales conversations into unbiased data with proprietary technology.
  • CEO is a successful serial founder with three prior exits.
  • Billion-dollar market opportunity in CRM and conversational AI sectors.
Our Story

We record sales conversations and then use AI and Machine Learning to identify insights and actionable intelligence.
Our Ambition

We think of ourselves as the tip of the sales spear. Every salesperson should be recording their calls and the call, transcription, and the AI analysis will be embedded in their CRM. We'll have 100,000 users and MRR of $6,000,000