The Wilderness Road
EntertainmentMedia & Music

The Wilderness Road

A film about one of the bloodiest and most incredible times in American history.
Investment type:
(Revenue Share)
Target raise:
 - $100,000
Minimum investment:​
End date:
Nov 17, 2020
This is a production company responsible for making a new feature film titled The Wilderness Road, a historical adventure and Western. The film follows Samuel Mason (Revolutionary War hero turned bandit) and the Harpe Brothers (notorious killers) as they are chased by the law and vigilante citizens in the late 1700s and early 1800s, leading to a violent conclusion. Our story is part history, part horror, a Western like you have never seen before.
Our Ambition

Our main objective is to produce a feature film that reaches an audience year and year across the globe. We also hope this film leads to a group of films (under different entities) or streaming series covering the incredible history of the Natchez Trace, a subject whose surface can only be scratched with one feature film. The stories from this time and place are so rich that multiple narratives could be spun from this material.