

Award-winning robotics and e-learning (Peloton Meets EdTech)
Investment type:
(Priced Round)
Target raise:
 - $250,000
Minimum investment:​
End date:
Jan 16, 2021

  • NEW ROUND! $2.7M raised. Join investors Morgan Stanley and NYU
  • Proven through Covid-19 – More than $2M in revenue with a 4+ rating on Amazon.
  • Covid-19 Program – Educated nearly 1,000 kids via e-learning during the pandemic.
Our Story

We teach girls and under-served minorities STEM filling a massive gap in the ed-tech market. While it is projected that over 1 million tech jobs will go unfilled by 2022, women and minorities are greatly under-represented. We make the only coding product for kids specifically designed for this market. We have sold over 30,000 coding robots for girls in the consumer market and have entered into a collaboration launching school product and curriculum targeting both girls and boys in 2020.
Our Ambition

SmartGurlz aims to be a leading force in bringing equity to tech, the LeapFrog of smart connected-toys with $200 million in revenue and $1 billion company valuation.