Invest in Ramper Innovations on

Ramper Innovations

We keep ramp agents safe + save airlines money
Investment type:
(Convertible Note)
Target raise:
 - $300,000
Minimum investment:​
End date:
Jan 24, 2024

  • Winner of Alaska Angel Conference Investment 2019 Total of $1M+ raised to date
  • Two patents have been issued, and multiple international trademark protections are pending.
  • Conducted numerous trials with our BETA units, getting feedback and identifying weaknesses
  • Made design changes and are producing units Achieved CE Certification for the European market
Our Story

Ramper Innovations help airlines reduce injuries to the employees and the cost of their ground handling operations.
Our Ambition

An internationally recognized supplier of innovative products that keep workers safe, and makes their job easier, not just in the airline industry, but across multiple industries.