FarmsFood & Bev
Quarter Acre Farm LLC
Andrea: "This funding helps a small Maryland vegetable farm build a heated greenhouse to meet increased demand."
Investment type:
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End date:
Mar 10, 2023
Mar 10, 2023
I started Quarter Acre Farm in 2008 on the west coast. In 2018 I returned to my home state of Maryland and moved the farm cross country. The 2019 season was the farms first season growing on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. At the farm, I provide vegetables and seedlings with agricultural expertise. I specialize in heirloom tomatoes, tomatillos, garlic, peppers, sweet potatoes, and a wide range of vegetable seedlings. Four years ago, I expanded the operation by creating a prepared food enterprise to make value-added products with some of my produce. My husband, who is a chef, helps produce the products. Our farm sells directly to consumers at the local farmers market and also sells produce to restaurants. I only use regenerative growing methods: no pesticides, herbicides, or petroleum-based products are ever used on the land.
In years past, I have permanently leased land for my operation, but in December 2021, my husband and I purchased 12 acres of land and an old farmhouse in Caroline county. I farm because I wish to leave a positive lasting impact on the ground. Everyone should leave a place or situation better than they found it. The farms mission is to provide the surrounding community with healthy, locally-grown food to help build a resilient community.