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People of Color

PeerBie Inc

Your Workplace in Your Pocket!
San Francisco, 
Investment type:
Target raise:
 - $250,000
Minimum investment:​
End date:
Jan 17, 2022

  • 0 to 400 customers in first 3 months in single market
  • $13.4b market size for team collaboration platforms
  • Booked $115,000 in revenue for Q2 2021
  • Ultimate social collaboration platform; it’s like Facebook, Asana, Slack, Jira, Teams put together.
Our Story

PeerBie MyWork brings team communication, collaboration, project management, Trouble Ticket management, customer management, and more into one product so you can get more work done whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business, or retail, or non-profits. MyWork is invented to make your working life simpler, more pleasant, and more productive.
Our Ambition

PeerBie will be the new ASANA, SLACK or Workplace at the market in three years. First we will grow in US market and dominate it within 3 years. Then we will expand to the rest of the world including European and Asian markets. PeerBie will reach $ 100 million in revenue in five years thus reaching unicorn status. Also we will foster a company culture that would make PeerBie one of the most desired workplaces in the world. These projections cannot be guaranteed.