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Lavell Gaines Childcare on Kiva
Black-ownedPeople of ColorWomen

Lavell Gaines Childcare

Lavell: "This funding helps me meet the state guidelines to expand my home-based childcare to over 20 kids."
East Pittsburgh, 
Investment type:
Target raise:
Minimum investment:​
End date:
Aug 15, 2023
I started Lavell Gaines Childcare as a home-based childcare 7 years ago. We serve children 6 weeks to 13 years old. I started off at the Family level, which let me serve up to 7 kids. Two years ago, I adapted the center and was able to meet the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services to become a Group Child Care facility, increasing my capacity to 10 kids. Next, I would like to expand to be a Center, which can serve over 20 kids, so that I can provide services to even more families in need.