Good Earth Organics
Premium certified organic potting soils and nutrients for toxin-free cannabis and hemp plants
Dec 10, 2021
Good Earth Organics (GEO) revenue grew 43% in 2019 to over $3 million, serving a broad base of individual consumers and hundreds of large-scale professional cannabis and hemp growers in the Emerald Triangle growing region
GEO posted 49.75% revenue growth in 1H 2020 (unaudited) compared to 1H 2019 (audited) with improved COGS resulting in better gross profit (1H 2020 numbers reflected are subject to change pending audit)
GEO soils and soil nutrients are blended from organic and natural ingredients that are sourced from around the globe and optimized for cannabis and hemp growing; the company has earned organic certifications from both OMRI & Clean Green (independent certifiers that test and approve soils for organic growing)
The GEO team has grown up in the Emerald Triangle and have combined decades of growing organic gardens of toxin-free plants; the management team and owners are graduates of Stanford, Harvard, Harvard Business School, and Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management and have decades of experience in private equity and building companies at places such as Bear Stearns, Etsy, Indiegogo, and more.
The potting soil market was over $1.5 billion in 2019 and the cannabis market it served generated over $13 billion across the 33 legal states (medical and/or recreational) in the U.S.