Food & Bev

Cleveland Whiskey Bond

Asset-Backed Promissory Note, High ROI, Whiskey Conversion Option at Maturity
Investment type:
Target raise:
 - 1,070,000
Minimum investment:​
End date:
Apr 02, 2021

  • Asset-backed, fixed return note @ 5% interest, whiskey conversion option yields 170% overall return.
  • 80 medals globally incl. 36 Gold, Double Gold, Platinum, Innovator of the Year, and Best of Show.
  • Significant capacity expansion and system upgrades underway in new riverfront, historic location.
Our Story

Thirty-six (36) Gold, Double Gold, Platinum and Best of Show medals from competitions around the world. Our technology reduces maturation time which is a huge competitive advantage that cuts years off traditional barrel aging and allows flavor profiles that can't be produced in a traditional way. We do it without sugar, syrup, or anything artificial. All the flavor comes from transformative woods like black cherry, apple, hickory and sugar maple. Traditionalists are not happy.
Our Ambition

What we make today is better than what we made a year ago, and that was better than what we made the year before that. With proprietary technology and protected intellectual property, our research and development processes are measurably faster, giving us a sustainable competitive edge. Big companies are kicking our tires but in the meantime, we continue to grow, improve our technologies and expand into high margin categories where we can leverage existing processes. We're also expanding capacity while bringing a historic, riverfront building back to life.